4 apps that increase productivity

Apps can be powerful tools that help you out everyday, whether it be for work, or for personal usage. Here are some apps that can benefit the way you go about your day.

1.) Basecamp

Communicating on a project can be difficult when you’re working with multiple people. Luckily, there’s Basecamp to make things easier. Basecamp is a single page document that communicates with all team members by allowing them to post discussions, create to do lists, and upload files! Having all this information on one page makes it nearly impossible to over look things!



 2.) Last Pass

Usernames and passwords are required for almost every site that you want to become a member of. There are some sites that even have login requirements. With so many different login combinations, it becomes easy to forget which passwords and login names work for which site. Using LastPass is a great way to organize and store all your log in information. It’s easy to use, and is perfect for any person who has multiple login information.



3.) Rapportive

Rapportive is a great way to get to know the people in your gmail’s contact list. It takes certain information from their social media accounts and adds it to their contact list entry. You can build rapports by mentioning shared interests or connect with their social media by using Rapportive.



4.) Log Me In

Have you ever forgotten an important file on your computer at work but are not able to make it back to the office? LogMeIn offers a simple solution by allowing you to access, support, and manage devices at anytime, anywhere. This app lets you get on the computer you need, from any browser!


Have you come across any life chaning apps? Share us your findings!