Fabric Eleven Design is proud to announce the launch of their new app SignOff.me! SignOff.me is a powerful app that helps assist you in managing your projects more efficiently.
A while ago we kept running into the same problem with confused clients. When our clients approved or “signed off” on different milestones of a project, they would frequently change their minds on what was previously approved of. This not only wasted time and money, but it also created additional problems that complicated the work process. So we put our heads together and asked ourselves, “How can we make it easier for both the client and us?”. That’s when SignOff.me was created.
We set out to develop a system where clients had to sign off on each item we sent to them for approval. Keeping in mind that communication was one of the main reasons to create SignOff.me, we added in notes so that both parties could communicate with each other on each task. But we wanted a stronger commitment from our clients and decided that after each task was signed off, the date and time would be stamped onto the document upon client approval. This not only created a commitment from the client, but it also protected us from having our clients come back with a set of new thoughts and opinions.
Our idea for SignOff.me expanded when we ran into business owners who envisioned SignOff.me simplifying their line of work too. We took collaborative ideas from different types of businesses and listened to the problems they had with their own clients. Based on our discoveries, we adjusted SignOff.me to benefit all business types. Now that SignOff.me is ready for launch, we are proud to introduce you to the way to record the most crucial pieces of client communication. You can now protect yourself legally, produce practicality, and create a better relationship between you and the client. If you deal with clients, contracts, or anything that needs to be signed off, then SignOff.me is the app for you! Start making your life easier by using SignOff.me.