You Know You’re A Frontend Web Developer When…

You Know You’re A Frontend Web Developer When…

  1. The first thing you do when you visit a site is go to Inspect element
  2. The second thing you do when you visit a site is check if it’s responsive
  3. You know how you would code a design just by looking at it
  4. You get heart palpitations thinking of WordCamp
  5. Everyone thinks you’re a web guru
  6. You always check if a site is using a theme or if it’s custom code
  7. You’re constantly on the lookout for new coding developments
  8. You feel a sense of accomplishment looking through someone else’s crappy code
  9. You know exactly how to fix that crappy code
  10. Your family and friends still don’t fully understand what you do on your computer all day
  11. You have a go-to 3-sentence explanation for the difference between CSS and HTML
  12. You know Sass files are not always feisty
  13. Your bookmarks menu is full of coding tutorials
  14. You judge people for using web templates
  15. Unorganized PSD’s drive you insane
  16. You just want to punch that designer who puts drop shadows on everything
  17. You instantly think about loading time when looking at a design
  18. You don’t think of bootstrap as something that goes on your feet
  19. You love that designer who knows how to slice correctly
  20. You come up with coding jokes only your developer friends would understand

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