Yesterday marked Fabric Eleven’s 5 year anniversary! We would like to extend our thanks and gratitude to those who stood by our side. Without you, we would not be where we are today. Just 5 years ago, owners Nathan Puente and Alex Gurevich partnered up to create what is now an award winning creative firm. Recently, Fabric Eleven’s website has been nominated by Awwwards for website of the month as well as website of the year. Awwwards recognizes some of the best web designs worldwide, and it is truly an honor to be a part of their selection. We are also very excited to announce that we will be launching some powerful new apps that will make your life a whole lot easier. is the first Fabric Eleven app that we announced for our anniversary. was designed to simplify business relations while increasing communication between the client and the contractor. Keep your eyes open for our other apps, as we will be launching them soon! Once again, we would like to say thank you for the past 5 years, and we are looking forward to bringing you tomorrow’s most innovative ideas.